Especially after your work or a day out shopping, we always seem to find ourselves placing our bags on the floor as we lack chair spaces to place our bags. If you are ever staying with your in laws, you prolly understand that your world of storage is pretty kept and packed away in a single room and you will really need to crack your head on how to pack your stuff unless you wanna end up being a messy couple with bags all over the floor like what we had for months that we have been married.
Here's the proof:
Crime Scene 1: Mess made by Princess Christine.
Crime Scene 2: Mess made by Sir Woodblock.
It was great that in the end we found the perfect stoage at IKEA again and this time round, I requested woodblock to try installing the cupboards himself!
It was pretty interesting to see my father in law(FIL) teaching woodblock how to drill the walls etc. For years, my FIL wanted woodblock to take over his biz on metal works but to no avail. I bet he must have felt happy when woodblock volunteer to try himself out this time round. I am very happy that my hubby always listen and fulfil all my little requests. Woodblock pampers me just too much at times.
Woodblock starting to drill the wall on his own! I am so proud of Sir woodblock.
My FIL teaching woodblock on how to install the damper and nails.
The final product!!!
Yay now I have a proper storage for all my bags and a cleaner floor space!!
Did I mentioned that this is actually a shoe organiser??? Who says it must be for shoes *shake headz* .
Next project work I am looking for will be the magazine rack for putting my comic books as I luv to read a bit here and there but my study desk is so filled up that it can hold no more books =(
Any ideas?
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